Choices Matter!

The spring class of Prasso finished last night with a pot-luck dinner.  The food was delicious, as always, but the best part of the evening was hearing the testimonies of the ladies.  One of the ladies gave this appraisal of Prasso…”Prasso is a recipe for successful sanctification.”  Another said, “My perfectionistic nature drives me to be tempted to choose the temporary over the permanent…clean floors in my house over taking time to play with my children; to look them in the eye and listen to what they are wanting to tell me; and to use loving words instead of impatient words when correcting them.  Prasso has helped me to prioritize what is truly important.”

Hearing her say this brought to my mind a quote on a plaque that hung in my childhood home…”Only one life twill soon be past.  Only what’s done for Christ will last.”  How is it with you, friend?  What are your priorities today?  Will what you have chosen count for eternity?  There will always be floors to clean, wash to do and meals to prepare but time lost loving, enjoying and training your children cannot be redeemed.  They are the only thing you will take to Heaven with you.  Start each day by asking God to help you make wise choices that will build your home and your family.

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