Posts Tagged ‘Israel’

God Is In Control

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Is God sovereign? Does God order the affairs of men? Does He order your life? Two hundred years before Cyrus was born God announced in Isaiah 45 that the pagan king, Cyrus, would be the deliverer of God’s people, Israel, from captivity in Babylon. God not only named the deliverer but also told how it would be accomplished and the treasures Cyrus would plunder from his victory over Babylon.

God anointed this pagan king for a special mission. God poured out His Spirit on Cyrus and enabled him to subdue nation after nation for one reason, so that he would show kindness to God’s people and would release them from captivity, allowing them to return to the Promised Land. God heard the cry of the people and moved this pagan king to do His bidding.

Proverbs 21:1 says, The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

If you are like me you listen to the world news and it is easy to think there is no hope. We look at our leaders and our nation and think, “Is God really in control?” I think when you and I stand in the grand temple of eternity our perspective will drastically change. We will then see how the architect of not only our lives but also of all that happened throughout the world worked seamlessly together to carry out God’s plan.

Whatever you are facing today, however you are being squeezed by God in your valley of difficulty you can know God is in control. One day you and I will laugh with delight when in His presence we see the true beauty of His plan.

Chance has not brought this ill to me;

It’s God’s own hand, so let it be,

For He sees what I cannot see.

There is a purpose for each pain,

And He one day will make it plain

That earthly loss is heavenly gain.

Like as a piece of tapestry

Viewed from the back appears to be

Only threads tangled hopelessly;

But in the front a picture fair

Rewards the worker for his care,

Proving his skill and patience rare.

You are the Workman, I the frame.

Lord, for the glory of Your name,

Perfect Your image on the same.
