Do all churches really need a program like this?

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Yes. Hopelessness and despair are at epidemic levels in the world and will become more so before the Lord returns for His church. Quick answers given in a moment of crisis, no matter how sincere, do not fix a broken heart, failed marriages, the sorrow of abuse, anger problems, broken relationships, wrong views of God and a host of other problems.

If churches do not offer real answers to these real problems that people face, people will look for answers from secular sources because their need for answers is so great. It is virtually impossible for a pastor to spend the time necessary to meet all the needs represented in his church, and people should not have to look outside the church. God’s Word has the answers, and the Prasso program of discipleship gives a framework to meet these needs.


Do people attend Prasso more than one time?

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Yes. Some attend multiple times because they discover that the need that brought them the first time is not their only need. In doing the lessons God points out other areas that need attention. Therefore, they attend again to address those things. Some attend multiple times for the accountability they receive from their small group and from their Group Leaders. Old ways of thinking and acting are difficult to change in a few weeks. The accountability weekly promotes spiritual growth. However, the goal of Prasso is to produce spiritual maturity where individuals are not dependent on others, but on God.


Is lay-counseling biblical?

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Every Christian is called to counsel. Some think Christian counseling is a room where you send people with problems. It is not. Christian counseling is the art of coming alongside of someone to teach, convict, restore, and discipline in righteous living. Galatians 6:1 says, “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual (mature), restore such an one in the spirit of meekness.” Colossians1:28 tells us that we as Christians are to “present every man perfect (complete) in Christ Jesus.” Christian counseling is a body thing. It is the body of Christ ministering to the body.


Is it necessary to have experience/training in counseling for this program to be successful?

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No. What is necessary is that all who have a leadership role (Group Leaders/Facilitators) must be mature in their walk with God. Unless the Word of God rejoices the heart of those in leadership, she/he cannot teach a counselee to love the Word of God and make it his joy. Personal holiness is vital. It is more important than college degrees, great gifts, personality, winsome ways, or great knowledge. Leaders must always remember that “the most important part of their life is the part of their life that only God sees.” Wiersbe



Is Prasso biblically sound?

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The Prasso program uses only the Word of God as its textbook. We believe God has all the answers for all of life’s problems. II Peter l:3 tells us that He gives us everything we need for life and godliness. The goal of the Prasso program is to produce a hunger for righteousness and a thirst for the Living Water. Every homework lesson centers the student in the Word of God.


Is the Prasso program as effective for men?

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Absolutely. When it was first tried the teacher was a little skeptical but to his surprise the men were as transparent as the women and as hungry for biblical answers to every-day problems. Some of the most miraculous results come when both the husband and wife attend the separate classes and together grow spiritually.


Is there a need for a teacher?

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No. All of the material that is taught has been professionally video taped. The teacher on the video tape is Laura Baker, the founder and author of the Prasso program. Laura teaches about 55 minutes for each of the twelve weeks after which the class divides into small discussion groups led by two group leaders. There would need to be a facilitator who would be willing to organize and take care of the details involved in setting up a class. It would be desirable if this person had a heart to help people and a burden for this kind of a ministry.


Like other Bible studies would Prasso only be used one time in a church?

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Prasso is specifically designed to be used as an ongoing ministry outreach into the community. Believers whould find neighbors, co-workers, friends, or family who are facing difficulties, and bring them to the study as a ministry outreach. Since 1993 Prasso has been offered twice a year in Greenville, South Carolina, where the ministry began. Over two thousand men and women have attended from 1993 to 2005. The only advertisement has been word of mouth. The class is offered starting in September for twelve weeks and again in January for twelve weeks.