A Life Study for Groups of All Sizes

Prasso means, “to practice”. It’s not just a Bible study, curriculum, or class in which you “learn” things. It’s about how to practice or, “live out” the Bible in your everyday life. While Prasso works well as a life study for individuals, it can be more impactful when used within a group or special gathering . It can be utilized as a life study for church groups, home groups, or special events. We have made Prasso available on DVD so you create your own group and work through the material together. The curriculum is designed to work with groups of all sizes.

What Others are Saying About Prasso

“My heart has been blessed so much through this study as well as my husband’s, who also went through men’s Prasso.  I can’t express in words how much this has started to change our marriage and us individually.  It has really shifted our focus from self to God.  Your curriculum truly does speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15).”  – SE

“My life was consumed with fear and anxiety before attending Prasso. Though I had gone to church all my life and knew Christ as my Savior I had never experienced what His grace means in the Christian life.  What a weight it took from my shoulders.   I am learning the joy of what it means to walk in His grace.”  – KM


How to Purchase Prasso

Prasso 6-DVD Set (DVD’s only, English)


You will receive 6 DVD’s in a protective vinyl holder. Each DVD contains two, 50-minute lessons taught by Laura Baker. The DVD’s allow you to work through the Prasso materials for yourself. These can be used as a stand-alone item or you can order the Prasso Homework Manual to add depth to your studies. If you are wanting to use the DVD’s in a class situation you can add the Leaders Guide as well.




Lesson 1: A New Beginning

Lesson 2: Obedience to the Mind of God

Lesson 3: The Fear of Man

Lesson 4: The Fear of the Lord

Lesson 5: The Joy of Surrender

Lesson 6: The Bitter Heart

Lesson 7: Forgiveness, the Key to Freedom, part I

Lesson 8: Forgiveness, the Key to Freedom, part II

Lesson 9: Eternal Perspective

Lesson 10: Changing Sinful Thought Patterns

Lesson 11: Humility/Pride

Lesson 12: Grace, The Gift of Rest

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 11 × 0.5 in

Prasso Homework Manual


This manual contains the homework lessons that are used to re-emphasize and support the teaching material within the DVD’s. It can also be used as a stand-alone resource without the DVD’s.



Lesson 1:Abba Father

Lesson 2: Getting to Know God

Lesson 3: More About Your Heavenly Father

Lesson 4: Relief: Truth or Consequences

Lesson 5: Freedom from Anger

Lesson 6: Forgiveness: The Jewel Most Precious, Part I

Lesson 7: Forgiveness: The Jewel Most Precious, Part II

Lesson 8: Beyond the Tears!

Lesson 9: Changing Sinful Thought Patterns

Lesson 10: Humility: The Key to Holiness

Lesson 11: Grace: The Gift of “Rest”

Lesson 12: From Ashes to Beauty


Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 1 in

New Year Specials

Order the following bundles by March 1st and get special pricing!

For a limited time you can save by ordering one of our New Year specials. These specials include everything you need to get started one-on-one with a friend, or to lead a larger group of five.



Friendship Bundle

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $74.99.

Get the DVD Set + 2 Homework Manuals for you and a friend


Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 11 × 2.5 in

Class Bundle

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $149.00.

Get the DVD Set + 5 Homework Manuals


Additional information

Weight 14 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 11 × 7.5 in